If notes should be hidden. Use the literal string "disabled".
The maximum size of image to get, in powers of 2. Prefixes such as KB/MB can be used.
"success": false,
"error": "Amount must be 1 or more.",
"code": 1051
"success": false,
"error": "Amount must be 5 or less.",
"code": 1052
"success": false,
"error": "No results were found. Try changing your search parameters.",
"code": 1041
// Notes:
// 0: null
// 1: This api host (api.furry.bot) is being removed on June 9th, 2021. Please migrate to https://yiff.rest.
// 2: We're moving to using subdomains for api versioning! e.g. https://v2.yiff.rest. They have the same functionality, just without the version in the path. The /V2 route will not be removed, but v3 and forward will only use the subdomain.
// 3: Hey, we see you aren't using an api key. They're free! To get one, join our support server (https://yiff.rest/support), and run the command "/apikey", you'll see how to use it there.
// 4: WARNING! This list is STATIC, it can be inaccurate! We recommended parsing the dot notation in https://v2.yiff.rest/categories instead of this!
// 5: Since images are getting bigger, we're adding a size limit parameter. Add ?sizeLimit=<size> to limit the size of images we provide you. We process sizes in powers of 2, not 10.
// 6: You can now hide these notes by setting the notes parameter to disabled. (ex: ?notes=disabled)
"success": true",
"$schema": "https://schema.yiff.rest/V2.json",
"notes": [
"id": 0,
"content": ""
"images": [
"artists": [].
"sources": [],
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"url": "https://v2.yiff.media/{id}.{ext}",
"type": "{mime}",
"name": "{name}.{ext}",
"id": "{id}",
"ext": "{ext}",
"size": 0,
"reportURL": null,
"shortURL": "https://yiff.rocks/{id}"