{"success": true,"gifURL": "https://thumbsyiff.media/{md5}.gif",// or null"pngURL": "https://thumbs.yiff.media/{md5}.png"// or null}
Create Thumbnail
A 202 Accepted will be returned in most circumstances. This is a non committal answer. You must fetch checkURL at the specified checkAt time. (you will be given a new check time if it's still processing)
If generation has already been started by someone else, a 202 Accepted will still be returned.
If a thumbnail has already been created, a 200 OK will be returned.
If Read Only is enabled, a 503 Service Unavailable will be returned.
Path Parameters
{"success": false,"error": "Invalid Post ID","code": 1062}
{"success": true,"status": "processing","checkURL": "https://thumbs.yiff.rest/check/{gif}/{type}","checkAt": 0,// (unix millis) the time at which you should fetch the above url"time": 0,// the milliseconds after which you should check the above url (see checkAt)"startedAt": 0,// (unix millis) the time at which processing started}
// this will never be returned on initial generation, only// if you make a request for one that has already started{"success": false,"status": "error","code": 1060}
// this will never be returned on initial generation, only// if you make a request for one that has already started{"success": false,"status": "timeout","code": 1065}
{"success": false,"error": "Service is currently in read-only mode.","code": 2}
Check Generation Progress
If Read Only is enabled, a 503 Service Unavailable will be returned.
{"success": true,"status": "processing","checkURL": "https://thumbs.yiff.rest/check/{gif}/{type}","checkAt": 0,// (unix millis) the time at which you should fetch the above url"time": 0,// the milliseconds after which you should check the above url (see checkAt)"startedAt": 0,// (unix millis) the time at which processing started}